Windermere 5G Petition

Windermere 5G Petition

Verizon Wireless has submitted two initial applications with the City of Fishers to construct and operate 5G Cell Towers. These towers which are 24 inches in diameter at the base and 36 feet tall, will be installed in the very narrow strip of grass between the road edge and sidewalk within the Windermere community. We are asking for your help opposing the locations of the first 2 towers. There are 20+ towers slated to be installed within the Windermere community.

We, the residents of Windermere Neighborhood and members of the Windermere HOA, in Fishers, Indiana, do respectfully urge the City of Fishers Board of Public Works to deny Verizon’s applications for waiver to install a small cell structures in Glenn Abbey Village. The particular applications are for permit # ROW-21-365, GN INDY 2535 with an approximate address of 10299 Cheswick Lane and the proposed location of GN INDY 2501 with an approximate address of 10186 Glenn Abbey Lane.

The application for waiver should be denied for the following reasons:

1. The aesthetics of the proposed above-ground utility structure are inconsistent with the long-standing underground utility requirements of our neighborhood.

2. Verizon refuses to consider alternate locations near entrances and/or on HOA common areas outside the right of way, with little to no visual impact on resident properties.

3. This proposed significant change, as a single installation and certainly as a system with multiple structures, will diminish the value of properties throughout the neighborhood.

4. The structure(s) will interrupt and reduce our quiet enjoyment of the neighborhood by our residents.

The following residents by digital submission or hand-written signature with email address, and / or phone number, agree that the Windermere HOA Board of Directors or other authorized representatives should present this petition to the Fishers Board of Public Works hearing(s) to be recorded as part of the neighborhood comments.